Alıntı player6767 Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
Webci ustam herkez budgesine göre evini alir ben 1 ay oldu alali 298bin euroya 200 bin kredi cektim ve nebenkostenlarinida cepden ödedim aylik 880 euro kredi ödicem 5% tilgung var yilda.. Bende ilk bastan ev almaya tirsiyordum veya korkuyordum
2 cocuk var kiz erkek suan kaldim daire 3 odali yani 1 kinderzimmer var 740 euro kira ödüyorum 4 odalli eve cikmis olsam 1000 euro
Simdi kirami ödemek mantikli kendi evinimi? Tabiki 300-400 euro fazla öduyorsun nebenkostenlarla.. Benim çevremde çoğunun evi var herkezin ayli 3le 3500 bin euro herkezde 10 yildir oturuyor kimseden duymadim ben pismanim napdim ben diye adamlar ikinci evi aldi ��
Eyvallah dostum ben burasi icinde yazmadim zaten,,benimkisi bir sohbet ve bir kulak arkasi misali..herkes kendine..saygilar..
As i tortured, it used to smile at me
There is no lie in this, everyone saw it
I gave one seed, it gave me four fields inreturn
My faithfull beloved is black soil

If i look up in the sky, i breath
If i look down to the earth, i have others prays
Where will i stay if i leave it
My faithfull beloved is black soil

If you have a wish ask it from God (pray)
Dont go away from the soil to have it (your wish)
Generosity is given to the soil by God
My faithfull beloved is black soil

If you search for truth, here is a clear point
God is close to people, people are close to God
The secret treasure of the God is in soil
My faithfull beloved is black soil

Soil is recovering all the faults we have
It heals my wounds as a medicine
It is waiting me with open arms
My faithfull beloved is black soil

Whom ever learns this secret
S/he leaves an immortal wonder behind for the world
A day comes when it hugs Veysel deeply
My faithfull beloved is black soil
Asik veyselden ingilizce
Mutlu olalim moral depolayalim,yoksa cekilmez bu hayaaaaaat....